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Steve, Melbourne 54 y.o. ID8502

Personal details
Age:54 years and 138 days
City:Melbourne, Australia
Marital status:Never married
Registration:26 December 2010
Zodiac Sign:Cancer
Languages:English (10), Greek (4)
Children:No Children
Weight:92 kg (202 lb)
Height:170 cm (5 ft 6 ins)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Brown
Education:College degree
Job:Transport Industry
offline 152 days
Steve Melbourne

About Steve:

Hi my name is Steve i am 40 years old enjoy all types of sports , have worked all my life and it is time for me to settle down. I'm Greek and my religion is Greek Orthodox. Looking for a lovely lady to start a family with,i love kids and hope one day ill have some of my own. I've always lived with some rules 1 of them is always treat others how you would like to be treated , in this day and age you must have respect of other people especially your wife and her parents, people forget about the old morals and values . I'm looking for a beautiful lady, on the inside her heart must be good because mine is made from gold. Good luck to all the lady's who are looking for their partner.


I enjoy walking on the beach, sociallising with family and friends enjoy making people laugh and being the fun of the party , i love spending time with my lady and just relaxing or watching a movie or just having coffee in a cafe in the city under the stars .

Looking for:

I'm looking for a lady who wants to settle down have a family and be ready to be treated as a princess, Ive been brought up with morals and values and hope the ladies understand that. Always treat people the way you would like to be treated , that's what i live by.I don't care how you look to me beauty is in the heart not on the outside you can change the outside as many times as you want but you can not change the inside of a person they have been brought up that way all there life so they are used to it . I believe in looking after your family and protecting them from harm , Love your wife and children and provide for them and guide your children to the correct path not the bad path with the support of my wife , together we should raise our family and love each other till we die .

Partner age:


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