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Michael, Gold Coast-Tweed Heads 64 y.o. ID8732

Personal details
Age:64 years and 266 days
City:Gold Coast-Tweed Heads, Australia
Marital status:Never married
Registration:04 August 2008
Zodiac Sign:Libra
Languages:English (10)
Children:No Children
Weight:86 kg (189 lb)
Height:188 cm (6 ft 2 ins)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Brown
Education:High school
offline 165 days
Michael Gold Coast-Tweed Heads

About Michael:

I'm a business man who likes a challenge and adventure in life.
I am from Adelaide Australia where I am not very often, because I spend a lot of time travelling with business and the last few years I�ve lived mostly in China but more recently have spent more time in the Philippines. I'm a Christian who has never been married but I would love to find that someone special who is active and likes adventure, and have a strong secure loving family in which we regularly tell and show our children that we love them and that they are important and special.


I enjoy travelling and living in different cultures; have a passion for keeping fit and feeling strong and healthy. I love skiing skating riding a bike and swimming; and although I don't get a lot of time for skiing or swimming I regularly ride a bike and go skating.

Looking for:

Someone with whom there is the warm comfortable sense of knowing that this is the right one, we are made for each other, like best friends who appreciate trust and rely on each other even during the difficult times when sailing is not smooth and it takes a bit of team work to get the boat through the storms of life.
She enjoys learning, growing, being responsible, having fun, making the world a better place is some small way every day, being warm and cheerful, who appreciates the simple things of life. She won�t be prefect because we all know that none of us are, she may have her moments, but she�ll always be precious to me, and she�ll be able to rely on me to be captain of the ship.

Partner age:


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