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Jesse, Richardson 64 y.o. ID8478

Personal details
Age:64 years and 225 days
City:Richardson, USA
Marital status:Divorced
Registration:18 January 2008
Zodiac Sign:Cancer
Languages:English (10), Spanish (5)
Children:3 children
Weight:92 kg (202 lb)
Height:178 cm (5 ft 10 ins)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Black
Education:University degree
Job:Production Manager and Travel
offline 106 days
Jesse Richardson

About Jesse:

I come from a solid family background of love and encouragement and I always look forward to spending time with family and friends on holidays and birthdays. I have a very optimistic view of life and there is nothing we cannot overcome and bring a ray of sunshine into the worse of circumstances. I am a single father with a lovely 15 year old daughter. On the professional side, I am an intelligent, organized, dependable, optimistic, confident man with a strong work ethic. I stay busy with home businesses in investments, energy, and travel.


I enjoy dancing, biking, running, weight lifting, swimming, volleyball, tennis, bowling, P90X, and Taebo. I love dancing and you will find me dancing 1-2 times a week. To feel alive, you will catch me snow skiing in the winter or water skiing in the summer, and scuba diving or para sailing. I have traveled to the Philippines, Hawaii, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Austria, Ukraine, and many other countries. I plan to learn golf, salsa, and ballroom dancing. I enjoy working with my hands to remodel a home, landscape a yard, or grow roses. My interests and hobbies are many, and gladly share them as we communicate with each other.

Looking for:

My ideal woman is an independent, confident, and intelligent career woman who works and plays hard. She is outgoing, confident, full of energy, physically fit, and adventurous. In addition, she is very sociable, enjoys family relationships, picnics on the weekends, or just talking the evening away over a glass of wine. This marvelous lady is my dearest friend, passionate, optimistic, caring, and loyal. She likes to dress
when we go out for the evening or just hang out in cutoff jeans as we watch a home movie. Most important, I search for a woman who wants marriage and willing to relocate with an older and experienced man who has much to offer.

Partner age:


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