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Damien, Sawtell 44 y.o. ID8831

Personal details
Age:44 years and 322 days
City:Sawtell, Australia
Marital status:Never married
Registration:29 August 2009
Zodiac Sign:Virgo
Languages:English (10)
Children:No Children
Weight:78 kg (171 lb)
Height:176 cm (5 ft 9 ins)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Brown
Education:University degree
Job:Own my own business
offline 76 days
Damien Sawtell

About Damien:

II am looking for someone to be my partner in life. I am looking for someone who is honest loyal and wnats to have a family. It is essential that they be willing to relocate to Australia


Rock climbing, snowboarding, water skiing, weight training, bodybuilding

Looking for:

Someone who is fit and active, is hardworking and loyal. They should have a keen interest in fitness. I am looking for someone to build a strong family and happy future with. You should be willing to travel as my business requires that I travel throughout Australia regularly. I am also an Irish Citizen as my father was born there and I am required to travel to Ireland occasionally to work. You should be prepared to live either in Australia or Ireland. I am looking for someone who is prepared to come back to Australia and willl be happy living here. I understand the importance of family and I am happy to travel back to the Ukraine regularly for my partner to maintain conatct with there family and friends.

Partner age:


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