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D.K., Germantown 55 y.o. ID9307

Personal details
Age:55 years and 278 days
City:Germantown, USA
Marital status:Divorced
Registration:06 January 2019
Zodiac Sign:Aquarius
Languages:English (10), Spanish (4)
Children:1 child
Weight:94 kg (207 lb)
Height:182 cm (5 ft 11 ins)
Eye color:Blue
Hair color:Black
Religion:Not Religious
Education:University degree
Job:Oil Industry- Consultant
offline 107 days
D.K. Germantown

About D.K.:

I am a man's man, a real man. Honor, loyalty, respect, integrity, professionalism, and CLASS are everything to me. I have a very strong unwavering courageous and fearless character. Professionally and personally I am highly respected. I am very passionate about life and love. I am very tough and strong as well as supportive, understanding and compassionate. More than anything I am very TEAM and family oriented. Professionally I am very tough, commanding, tenacious, driven, and ambitious. I have exceptional leaderships and team skills. Personally I am very laid back and easy going. I enjoy relaxing and going to movies. My family owns commercial greenhouses, growing and selling flowers, trees, and shrubs. I love smiling and laughing and do so with ease. I love dogs and children. My greatest love is being a father!


Outdoors. Active. Working out- 500-1000 push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, a day. Running, Climbing, Hiking. I Love the water- swimming, diving, boats. I Love my job and position, I love working, but family and friends are what I value and cherish most. What I am interested in the most is finding a beautiful and exceptional woman here, marrying her and having a family together. I actually went out and bought all the books instructing me on how to do this all(laughing- lol). I think I am in big trouble! LOL!

Looking for:

I want to find an exceptional woman to touch and feel; to hold hands with, to smell her skin and hair, to lose myself in her eyes, to kiss her deeply and passionately, to respect, and protect. I want a passionate woman that understands the concept of TEAM and that appreciates and respects what she has and the man that loves and respects her, a man that is an exceptional father, husband, as well as a strong man. She must understand and practice the concept of respect, honor, and especially class. As a woman, a wife, a mother, she is a living breathing, walking reflection and representation of our family, our children, and my heart. She must exemplify class. I want something exceptional, simple, and deep; love worth fighting for, a woman worth dying for, a family to live for.

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