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Michael Givskov, Skive 59 y.o. ID8849

Personal details
Name:Michael Givskov
Age:59 years and 73 days
City:Skive, Denmark
Marital status:Divorced
Registration:27 July 2015
Zodiac Sign:Virgo
Languages:English (10)
Children:4 children
Weight:82 kg (180 lb)
Height:183 cm (6 ft 0 ins)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Brown
Education:High school
Job:Managing director
offline 114 days
Michael Givskov Skive

About Michael Givskov:

A man in my best age. I am in a good shape and I have 4 kids, 13, 15, 18 and 21 years old. The kids are living with their mom and they are coming every second weekend to live with me over the weekend. The oldest kid on 21 years is moved out for her self but the tree other kids are still visiting me every second weekend and of course I like that very much.
I live in my own house and have my own company.
I do like sport very much and I am running my self to keep a slim body and I good shape.
I like to be very caring and nice to my girlfriend with a warm heart and I like to be very close when we are together at home.
I don't want to have any more kids, it's okay to meet someone who have one or two kids but I don't want to start all over again with small kids.
I also like to take the car for a ride in the evening and weekends.


Football, handball, running, nature, cycling and driving a trip around in Denmark in my car.
I like car's a lot!

Looking for:

Nice and caring women who likes to relax at home and go out and see the nature and have exercise.
Some one who is honest, caring and will support me.

Partner age:


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